1. Call to Order – Fran Roberts
2. Membership/Guests – Heather Ferrill
3. Hospitality – Esther Carley
4. Motion to approve August meeting minutes
5. Display/Ridge OS – Heather Gramling
6. Treasurers Report – Julio Hector
7. Audit committee – Julio Hector/Fran Roberts
8. Programs Update – Kathy Cox
a. October speaker - b. Coryanthes plants for sale October Presentation pre-orders– see back table
9. Drawing Table Orchids – Corinne Arnold
10. Bylaws proposed revisions– Jeff Tomalo & Committee - a) Vote proposed revisions
BREAK – 10 mins
10. Program Speaker – Kathy Cox - b) Repotting with Bret Ullery
11. Bloom Table Review – Nancy Losgar
12. Drawing Table Plants from Bredren Orchids – Corinne Arnold
13, Adjourn
From Our Program Chair - Kathy Cox
The next TBOS meeting will be THIS WEEK, Thursday, September 19th. It is one you don't want to miss. Our speaker is Bret Ullery with Accent Orchids. He will be showing us how to repot our orchids. Everyone will get hands-on experience. Each member will receive an orchid, pot and media, for us to practice on and take home.
Bret and Ruth are familiar faces on the local orchid scene. Besides being members of Tampa Bay Orchid Society, they have been active in other area orchid groups. They occasionally host fun events at their own place of business.
Bret has been a member of the TBOS Executive Committee for a number of years. He has also been the Education Chair offering practical tips for growing orchids at our monthly meetings.
This meeting should be FUN and EDUCATIONAL! See you there!
Remember to sign on to the website to review the August Meeting Minutes A vote to approve or amend will be taken at the meeting.
Message from the President - Fran Roberts
Hello fellow Society members,
I had hoped that we could have gotten the proposed revised bylaws to you sooner. The Bylaws Committee put in long hours to bring the bylaws current, and to ensure we get them approved by the membership in time for the Society’s Yearbook in October.
A big thank you to the Committee, Jeff Tomalo Chairperson, Laura Newton, and Cheryl Crilly, for putting this all together.
The vote to approve the revised bylaws will be taken at our September 19 meeting.
I encourage all society members to attend if you are able.
There are many changes that have occurred. We will only have a few copies available for perusal at the meeting. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
URGENT From the Bylaws Committee Chair - Jeff Tomalo
Owing to the hard work and dedication of our committee members, the TBOS Bylaws Committee has completed the update of the society Bylaws and Standing Rules. Please read the revisions. A vote to approve will be taken at the Sep 19 regular monthly meeting.
IMPORTANT - Please REVIEW the document
From The Display Chair- Heather Gramling
Get Your Orchids Ready! On Friday, September 27, we will be installing a display at the Ridge Orchid Society Show. See announcement details below.
Look over your collection. Prepare those that will be blooming for entry in this show.
There will only be society displays. There will be no display competition from commercial vendors. Let's make this the most fabulous display ever.

From the Audit Committee - Liz Wherley, Eliot Gregos
Report and Recommendations
Our VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES for term 2024-2025
1. Auction Committee – Kathy Cox
2. Display Committee – Heather Gramling
3. Drawing Table Committee – Corinne Arnold
4. Education Committee – Bret Ullery
5. Field Trip Committee – Liz Wherley
6. Historic Committee – Eileen Hector/Heather F
7. Hospitality Committee – Esther Carley
8. Membership Committee – Heather Ferrill
9. Program Committee – Kathy Cox
10. Publicity Committee – Eileen Hector
11. Sunshine Committee – Fran Roberts
12. Show Committee – Fran Roberts
13. Technology/Website Committee – Eileen Hector/Cheryl Crilly
14. Yearbook Committee – Eileen Hector/Heather Ferrill
News from your AOS Representative - Eileen Hector

The September issue of ORCHIDS is available. Individually, you should have received your print issue in the mail if you have a Gold Membership.
The society has a Gold Membership, and the monthly magazine is sent to our meetings by your AOS Representative.
DID YOU KNOW? There are listings for orchid society shows, other events, and monthly orchid judging in our area and beyond.
Have you ever been to a monthly orchid judging? Monthly judging is open to the public. The monthly meetings take place at more than 27 different locations throughout the US and Canada. View all events here: Events Calendar - American Orchid Society (aos.org)
Our local Judging Center meets twice a month in two separate locations. Tampa dates are the fourth week of the month. The next Tampa Judging is Wednesday evening, Sept. 25.
You do not have to be an AOS member to exhibit a blooming orchid at a monthly judging and there is no entry fee. We do require that your plant have the correct species or hybrid name and be free of pests. It’s also a good idea to clean your plant up a bit (wipe off the leaves, and remove any dead leaves or old inflorescences), and possibly stake the inflorescence, so that the flowers are shown to their best advantage. https://www.aos.org/community-events/events-calendar
KNOW MORE NOVEMBER - Orchid Culture Day - Sunday Nov. 10
Coming Attraction
Tune in to a day of learning! This virtual presentation is open to all levels of orchid growers! There is an exciting line-up of speakers planned with topics of interest to everyone. Watch for updates here, in the next Orchid-Gram and on the AOS website. Registration is only $40. You may register and view later too! A full Day of Orchid Culture, Conservation, and You!

Executive Committee Meetings are held throughout the year for any interested TBOS member to attend. An agenda is sent out to preview. Look for future date announcements here, and on our Facebook group. When submitted, the minutes of these meetings can be found on our website under the Meeting Minutes tab.
PDF Agenda from Sept. 16, 2024
Minutes forthcoming.