From Our Program Chair - Kathy Cox

Keith Emig with Winter Haven Orchid Nursery will be our speaker for the upcoming meeting this Thursday, January 16.
The title of his talk is “I Know This Plant is Awardable”. He will be giving us insight on what the judges look for to determine if the flower is suitable to give it a coveted American Orchid Society award. This in turn helps us when we are purchasing plants to know what to look for in a flower.
Winter Haven Orchid Nursery (Keith and Dina Emig) have been granted sixty-seven American Orchids Society Awards. Among those 67 are an Artistic Certificate, Cultural, HCCs, AMs, and FCC awards created by Winter Haven Orchid Nursery. They are growing award worthy orchids!
Keith will be bringing plants to sell and always brings something special. Please join us on Thursday for this informative talk.
Review Meeting Minutes
Remember to sign on to the website to review the DECEMBER MEETING MINUTES
A vote to approve or amend will be taken at the Thursday, Dec. 19 meeting.
From Our President - Fran Roberts
January 2025 AGENDA
1. Welcome - Fran Roberts
2. Membership - Heather Ferrill
3. TBOS display at the Fair - Heather Gramling
4. TBOS show - Fran Roberts/Jeff Tomalo
5. Treasurers report - Julio Hector
6. Tampa Judging - Fran Roberts
7. FWCOS show - Fran Roberts
-*-*-* BREAK -*-*-*
8. Speaker presentation - Kathy Cox
9. Raffle
10. Close meeting
ANNOUNCEMENT - Holiday Collection for the Community Results
Report by Heather Ferrill
The society collected non-perishables and New Toys to benefit Metropolitan Ministries.
December Collection Results - 82 pounds of non-perishables.
November Collection Results - 83 pounds of non-perishables, 12 new toys, $25 cash
Please keep in mind, this charity is in need of donations year-round.
Check their website for other Most Needed Items https://www.metromin.org/
Visit Our Ad Partners at the Florida West Coast Orchid Society
Show and Sale
Location - Seminole Recreation Center, 9100 113th St N, Seminole, FL 33772
Florida West Coast Orchid Society’s “A Rainbow of Orchids” is being held on January 25 - 26, 2025 at the Seminole Recreation Center, 9100 113th St N, Seminole, FL 33772.

TBOS Participating Ad Partners (tell them you saw it here)
Accent Orchids
Artstone Orchids
All Around Orchids
Garden Trails Orchid Supplies
Miranda Orchids
Smiley Orchids
*Vendor list is subject to change per FWCOS.
AOS Judging for this show will be held on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 6:00 PM. All orchid growers invited to enter plants for AOS judging.

Hosted by our AD PARTNER Krull-Smith with ad partner Guest Vendors!

Visit Our Ad Partners at the Venice Area Orchid Society
Show and Sale

Accent Orchids
Miranda Orchids
Bredren Orchids
Florida Orchid House
Palmer Orchids
Venice Community Center
326 S. Nokomis Ave.
Venice ,Florida
Saturday 10am 5pm
Sunday 10am 4pm
$5 Admission
Free Parking
Contact ShowChair@VAOS.org
for more information
Hear Ye, Hear Ye - Let it be Known
- The Odyssey Awaits -

The doors to The Tampa Bay Orchid Society Show & Sale
will open to the public Saturday, March 01 at 10 a.m.
Help Us Get Ready
Please Contact Frances Roberts
to help with any of the following or sign-up on the Sign-Up Genius platform
We Need You to make the show a success.
Every hour you volunteer is greatly appreciated.
There are volunteer positions available for all Members.
SUPPLY TRAILER to/from show
To help in one of these areas Please Contact
Corinne Arnold for AOS clerking
Esther Carley for Show Hospitality
Cheryl Crilly for Potting/Mounting Services
Heather Ferrill for Membership
Nancy Losgar for background plants pick- up/delivery

To Keep Up With TBOS
Review the following pages on the TBOS website monthly
Title of Tabs
Home Page has the announcement date of our next meeting
Orchid Press Hot News - Our Digital Monthly Newsletter
Frequently Asked Orchid Questions - AOS, Webinar and Judging Center Information
Meeting Minutes - All TBOS Meeting Minutes (log in required)
Links - Preferred Ad Partner Information and other helpful orchid related links
Committee Reports - Chairs please submit your activity report to tampabayorchidsociety@verizon.net by the first Friday of the month to be included here
Remember to Visit Our Facebook Group often
to see what other Members and Visitors are Growing and Blooming
