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Society News - What You Need to Know About our Thursday, AUGUST 15 Meeting This Week!

From Our Program Chair, Kathy Cox


August Guest Speaker Jim Roberts

We currently grow our beauties in three gutter connected greenhouses encompassing 10,000 square feet of growing space. As always, I strive to grow and sell the best quality orchid plants for all our customers, and to build a lasting reputation in the industry as one of the very best. My deepest thanks to all those who patronize our business.

HEADS UP! PRE-ORDERS for October Meeting. Noaki Kawamura, our speaker will present a program on Coryanthes. He will be selling potted Coryanthes seedlings for $15 each. There will be both hybrids and species available. He is not a vendor, just an excellent grower, and would like to have an idea of how many plants to have available. There will be a sign-up sheet at the August meeting this week, or you can email me at, that you would like one, or more.

From the AOS website - Coryanthes (ko-ree-AN-theez)  A genus of 44 species of epiphytes with extraordinary flowers from the American tropics commonly called bucket orchids, related to Stanhopea and Gongora, it was described by Hooker in 1831, the name derived from the Greek meaning "helmet flower" in reference to the helmet-shaped epichile of the lip.



Call to Order – Fran Roberts

1.     Membership/Guests – Heather Ferrill

2.     Hospitality – Esther Carley

3.     Sunshine Committee – Fran Roberts

4.     Open Committees – Fran Roberts

5.     Programs Update – Kathy Cox

a.     October Pre-Orders - Coryanthes plants for sale – see back table

6.      Drawing Table – Corinne Arnold

7.     Bylaws Update – Fran Roberts

8.     Motion to approve July meeting minutes

10. Treasurers Report – Julio Hector

    11. Education – Bret Ullery


    12. Program Speaker Introduction– Kathy Cox

    13. Bloom Table Review– Nancy Losgar

    14. Drawing Table Winners– Corinne Arnold

    15. Adjourn


 Remember to sign on to the website to review the July Meeting Minutes A vote to approve or amend will be taken at the meeting.


From The Bylaws Committee Chair, Jeff Tomalo

Owing to the hard work and dedication of our committee members, the TBOS Bylaws Committee has made much progress - and our current thinking is that we will have a draft of revisions for consideration by the Sep 19 regular monthly meeting.  


From The Display Chair, Heather Gramling

Get Your Orchids Ready! On Friday, September 27, we will be installing a display at the Ridge Orchid Society Show. There will only be society displays. There will be no competition from commercial vendors. Let's make this the most fabulous display ever.


Look over your collection. Prepare those that will be blooming pretty in another month.

This is an entry form for YOUR orchids to prepare ahead of time, so they can be registered and entered for the Ridge Orchid Show show.


Tampa Bay Orchid Society Show and Sale - March 01-02, 2025, Open to the Public

Set-up will be the Friday before, Feb. 28

Our Application for Judging has been processed by the American Orchid Society.

The following AOS judges have consented to serve at this event: Ryan Kowalczyk, AOS Event Chair, along with Laura Newton, Kenneth Roberts, Nancy Losgar, and Julio Hector.



The August issue of ORCHIDS is available. Individually, you should have received your print issue in the mail if you have a Gold Membership.

The society has a Gold Membership, and the monthly magazine is sent to our meetings by your AOS Representative.

There are many benefits to AOS membership.

DID YOU KNOW? The American Horticultural Society Participates with The American Orchid Society Offering Free or Reduced Admission to AOS Members.  

With the Reciprocal Garden Admission program, AOS members enjoy free or reduced admission to hundreds of gardens, conservatories, and arboreta, nationwide. Please contact the garden you plan to visit for any special requirements or policies.

Greenhouse Chats are available to all viewers. You do not need to be an AOS member to register for them. Send your photos and questions for review a minimum of two days prior to the scheduled date to

Our Regional AOS Judging Center - Florida North Central

Our center offers twice monthly judging for your orchids. We meet in Tampa and Mt. Dora. Details of judging can be found on the FNCJC website. Further information regarding the judging process can be found on the AOS website.

Click on the links below:


See You this Thursday!

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