Our December Meeting is a week early! NEXT THURSDAY!
You don't want to miss it. We will be celebrating with a holiday feast and fun and games. Members are encouraged to bring a side dish to share.
A message from Sonia Evans, TBOS President - Looking forward to seeing you!
Join us! We will play a couple of games, have tasty food and lots of fun with our orchid friends. Hospitality: Members are requested to bring a side dish. Please contact Esther Carley, the Hospitality Chair, 813-605-9733, to check the side dishes needed.
Christmas Gift Plant: Dues-paid members will be gifted one plant. Members must be in attendance. The plants will only be available at the meeting.
Member Gift Exchange optional: If you want to participate – you need to bring a gift to get a gift. The limit is $15 and should be non-gender, orchid related.
Donations for Metropolitan Ministries: Please bring donations for Metropolitan Ministries. Suggested - non-perishable food, unwrapped toys, baby diapers or formula. Check or Cash are accepted as well. Drop off at the membership table or ask for Heather Ferrill.
Be sure to review the November Meeting Minutes on the website. A motion to approve as published, and a vote will be taken at the meeting.
ORCHID SHOW TROPHIES We are looking for sponsors for our 2024 orchid show trophies. Sponsorship is just $25. It may be made in your name, in memory of someone, or in a business name.
Hosting an Orchid Show takes a lot of work! We want to reward our exhibitors and recognize their efforts. Traditionally, we have had about 25 "trophies" granted at our show to the best in each class. Our goal is to have all of them sponsored before the show.
NOW is your opportunity to sponsor one of those trophies. 2024 Best in Class Trophies will be cash awards to the grower. You are also eligible to win if you have entered your orchid for ribbon judging. AWARD CERTIFICATES are issued to the winners along with a cash prize.
Look for a list of categories on our website show page. Let us know which trophy you would like to sponsor and make payment at any monthly meeting before our show. Payments may also be mailed to the Treasurer. https://www.tbosinc.com/copy-of-orchid-show-2024
If you have any questions about sponsoring trophies, please contact Eileen Hector 813-368-7353 or email: tampabayorchidsociety@verizon.net
FLORIDA STATE FAIR Exhibit - FEBRUARY 8-19, 2024 Heather Gramling is seeking members to help set-up and attend a display at the Florida State Fair. This year we will also need members to be present on Saturdays and Sundays to give one 30-minute educational presentation each day. Topics must be submitted by mid-January. TBOS receives a cash reward for participating in the fair. We talk about orchids and also distribute our orchid show flyers at the fair. Contact Heather to offer assistance. drgramling@gmail.com